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Totaal dividend boekjaar 2019: € 1,240*


voorgesteld bedrag
€ 1,240
datum aankondiging
apr 30, 2020
datum ex-dividend
mei 4, 2020
datum betaling
mei 6, 2020
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Source: UCB website

A dividend in respect of the year ended 31 December 2019 of €1.24 per share will be submitted to approval at the annual general meeting of the shareholders on 30 April 2020. 

Totaal dividend boekjaar 2018: € 1,210*


voorgesteld bedrag
€ 1,210
datum aankondiging
apr 25, 2019
datum ex-dividend
datum betaling
apr 30, 2019
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In-line with UCB’s long-term dividend policy, the Board proposes a gross dividend of € 1.21 per share (2017: € 1.18). If the dividend is approved by the Annual General Meeting on 25 April 2019, the net dividend of € 0.847 per share will be payable as of 30 April 2019 against the delivery of coupon #22.

Totaal dividend boekjaar 2017: € 1,180*


voorgesteld bedrag
€ 1,180
datum aankondiging
apr 26, 2018
datum ex-dividend
apr 27, 2018
datum betaling
mei 2, 2018

De Raad van Bestuur van UCB stelt een dividend voor van € 1,18 per aandeel (bruto), een stijging van drie eurocent of 2,6%.

Coupon # 21
Ex-dividend: 27 April 2018
Record date: 30 April 2018
Payment: 2 May 2018

Totaal dividend boekjaar 2016: € 1,150*


voorgesteld bedrag
€ 1,150
datum aankondiging
apr 27, 2017
datum ex-dividend
apr 28, 2017
datum betaling
mei 3, 2017
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The Board of Directors proposes to pay a gross dividend of € 1.15 per share. If this dividend proposal is approved by the General Meeting on 27 April 2017, the net dividend of € 0.805 per share will be payable as of 3 May 2017 against the delivery of coupon #20. The shares held by UCB SA are not entitled to a dividend.

Per 4 January 2017, 191 426 122 UCB shares are entitled to a dividend, representing a total distribution of € 220 million. This amount may fluctuate depending the number of UCB shares held by UCB SA on the dividend approval date. The Board of Directors will communicate at the general meeting the total number of UCB shares entitled to a dividend and will submit the aggregate amount to be distributed for approval. The annual accounts of 2016 will be adapted accordingly.

Totaal dividend boekjaar 2015: € 1,100*


voorgesteld bedrag
€ 1,100
datum aankondiging
apr 28, 2016
datum ex-dividend
apr 29, 2016
datum betaling
mei 3, 2016
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The gross dividends paid in 2015 and 2014 were €205 million (€1.06 per share) and €202 million (€1.04 per share) respectively.

A dividend in respect of the year ended 31 December 2015 of €1.10 per share, amounting to a total dividend of €210 million, is to be proposed at the annual general meeting of the shareholders on 28 April 2016.

In accordance with IAS 10, events after the reporting period, the proposed dividend has not been recognized as a liability at year-end.

Coupon nr. 19

Dividend historie

financiële events


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Source: company website, April 2018

UCB is a global biopharmaceutical company, with a focus on neurology and immunology.

Our business is strong. Total revenue grew to €4.5 billion in 2017. We are more than 7,500 people in all four corners of the globe, inspired by patients and driven by science.

Looking ahead, we have a solid platform for continuous growth with our core products Cimzia®, Vimpat®, Neupro®, Keppra® and Briviact®, and we are preparing the launch of a potential medicine to help patients with osteoporosis. At the same time, we are very excited about the progress in our early research pipeline.


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Source: company website, April 2018

The Board of Directors intends to continue to sustain a dynamic dividend policy, consistent with the long term growth prospects of the Company, offering gradual increase in dividend, and as far as possible not to reduce it, irrespective of the short term income variations.